1425 and 1451 East 12th Avenue
The City of Vancouver hosted a Public Open House on February 4th, 2020 for Brightside’s proposed redevelopment of Loyal Orange Manor and Edward Byers House, located at 1425 and 1451 East 12th Avenue in Vancouver. Held at the Lakeview Multicultural United Church, the event was open to the public from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.

The City-led Open House provided the public with the opportunity to see building design specifications as well as a scale model of the proposed redevelopment, and ask questions of City staff, Brightside, and the building designers.

Edward Byers House and Loyal Orange Manor are located at 1451 and 1425 East 12th Avenue, in the Grandview Woodland neighbourhood. Our proposal is to replace the existing combined 57 units with 157 units of seniors below-market rental housing.
What We’ve Heard So Far
In July 2019, we held a Pre-Application Open House to give the community an opportunity to provide input on Brightside’s preliminary plans, prior to submitting a formal rezoning application to the City of Vancouver.
The vast majority of engagement participants expressed support for the project; in particular, increasing the amount of affordable rental homes in the neighbourhood and/or the City of Vancouver. Some participants expressed concern for current residents and their relocation. To this end, Brightside is going above and beyond the City’s new requirements when supporting our residents during the temporary relocation period.
For complete results of the pre-application community engagement, please visit our website for the full report summary.
The project has been selected for the City’s Social Housing or Rental Tenure (SHORT) Program, which is an expedited development process for the addition of much needed affordable housing.
Next Steps
Your support through the City’s process by providing feedback at the open house is critical to ensuring that we are able to meet the needs of current and future residents for the long-term.
You can view the Rezoning Application for 1425 and 1451 E 12th Ave for additional details. There is also a link where you can provide feedback to the City of Vancouver on the project.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. For further information, contact:
Melanie Belanger-Finn