Brightside Community Homes Foundation
#300 – 905 West Pender Street,
Vancouver, B.C.
V6C 1L6

P: (604) 684 3515
F: (604) 684 3677

Choose to Move at Home

About Choose to Move at Home

Choose to Move at Home is a free 12- week program that provides those over 65 with the motivation and support they need to become more active.


Choose to Move is brought to you in partnership with Brightside Community Homes Foundation, Active Aging Society at the University of British Columbia, and Seniors Services Society of BC.


With Choose to Move at Home, participants work one-on-one with a trained activity coach to create a personal physical activity plan that meets your health and fitness goals.  When things get tough, you will have the support you need from your coach.


You also get to join a group of other Choose to Movers to share your successes and challenges, learn new ways to live healthy, and make new friends.

Join the Choose to Move Program to:

  • Get motivated and stay motivated

  • Feel more energetic

  • Get support to be more physically active

  • Take steps towards your fitness and health goals

  • Choose activities that you like

  • Learn how to fit activities into your daily life

  • Stay accountable to your plan

  • Meet new friends and have fun


Due to Covid 19, Choose to Move is being offered to you in the comfort of your home via Zoom or by telephone.

Program Starts Early February, 2021. To Register or Get More Information about Choose to Move at Brightside

CONTACT: Leanore Sali, Seniors Services Society of BC

PHONE: 604-520-6621


For more information about the Choose to Move Program, visit:

Header Photo by Mark Timberlake on Unsplash

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