Brightside Community Homes Foundation held a Pre-Application Open House to introduce a preliminary proposal to the community and to seek early community input for 349 East 6th Avenue. The event was held at Creekside Community Centre in Olympic Village on March 2nd, 2020.
In partnership with BC Housing and Wall Financial Corp., Brightside is pursuing an opportunity to develop 349 East 6th Avenue. The proposal is to replace the existing 36 units at 325 East 6th Avenue with approximately 83 units of affordable housing for seniors and families at 349 East 6th Avenue. Key City of Vancouver policy relevant to the proposal is the Mount Pleasant Community Plan.
Click here to provide your input or feedback on this proposed development, and be sure to include your email address if you would like to be added to our mailing list for updates on the development.
Below are the display boards that were presented at the Pre-Application Open House. Click on any Board to see a larger version:

For inquiries regarding the Pre-Application Open House for 349 East 6th Avenue, please contact:
Melanie Belanger-Finn
604.831.7448 or