The City of Vancouver commenced a three-week Virtual Open House on June 29th for the proposed development of 349 East 6th Avenue. The Virtual Open House is an opportunity for the public to provide feedback and support for the rezoning application.

The proposal is to replace the existing 36 units at 325 East 6th Avenue with approximately 82 units of social housing for seniors, families, and people with disabilities at 349 East 6th Avenue.
325 East 6th Avenue (Mount Pleasant Lions Manor) was built in 1968, and was acquired by Brightside from the Mount Pleasant Housing Society in 2013. Although Brightside has taken steps to maintain the Mount Pleasant building at a high standard, the property is aging and does not offer accessibility features such as an elevator, often required for seniors aging in place. The new development would add much needed affordable housing in the area, and would represent a marked improvement in accessibility features and amenity areas designed to facilitate community resilience.
The building is being designed to be a Low Emissions Green Building, meaning the building would meet or exceed requirements as modelled by the City of Vancouver Energy Modelling Guidelines for total energy use intensity, thermal energy demand intensity, and greenhouse gas intensity.
Virtual Open House details:
Event Duration:
June 29 – July 19, 2020
Website URL:
The Virtual Open House also includes a virtual “3D fly-through” visualization of the proposed new building in lieu of an architectural model.
Providing affordable homes for seniors, families, and people with disabilities is a shift towards positive inclusivity, and would increase the affordable rental housing stock in Vancouver. It also helps retain the diverse social fabric that already exists in the in Mount Pleasant neighbourhood.
The Virtual Open House will be available online for participants to provide feedback and submit comments to the City until Sunday, July 19th, 2020.